Sunday, May 04, 2008

the bliss of infancy

infancy my friends is defined by our trusty Mr. Webster as: Infancy
\ˈin-fən(t)-sē\ Function:
1 : early childhood
2 : a beginning or early period of existence.

this had been an envy of mine eversince i have been exposed to the realities

and bitterness of life.that Id be brought back to my early childhood where
I could just bounce around, eat excessively without a care, or even slap
the one carrying me without a retaliation, or just say something with a whim
& I would have it.darn!right now im getting blissful just by the thought!
you see,i have a very smart niece right now she is two years old.
thats what she doe: shes reckless even slapping us when she has her tantrums.
her addiction for: Dancing queen by Abba had us irrate so much that we
want to kill the Abba members. imagine this song/dvd/video kept playing
all day round!thats when we improvize by telling her that "Abba" had to
poo-poo and they cant sing at that moment.sure our tactic would be effective
for a few moments.until we'll be fed up by her ardous plea to play her favorite
song.there were occasions where we are demanded outright to dance to the
tunes and follow her beat.
but see,even through the raucous & agony of looking after her. we darn cant
get angry.with those puppy like eyes and a cutie voice who would not surrender?

so thats what im ranting about, the whims of being an infant. i know she'll grow up
just fine.that she'll surpass her "abba" addiction. that eventually she'll have to fend for herself.
that she'll probably forget all of her infancy whims.

its probably a blissful experience being an infant. but im just thankful ive grown up
and tring to survive the challenges of life. for without those experience being a kid
i'd probably succumbed.

shoutout to my cute pamangkin: marian beatriz!
you surely are a one heck of a bright kid!
love you!

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