Saturday, July 04, 2009




Faith Mary Ann Milar

at 4:15pm June 26

batch pud mi kkp.. dungan mi nag immersion.. that was the time i really got to know tetet. :'(

Jaysan Ray Ngujo Chee at 5:10pm June 26

:(... May She Rest in Peace... nagkita pa jud mi hours before her death... :(

Joanne Garces Gonzales at 5:28pm June 26

batch pd me sa kkp.and xa facilitator sa ako bro sa nstp. we will miss her. so sudden.

Lee Xin Eun at 6:21pm June 26

We must treasure jud every moment that we have with our friends and family... Tetet is a kind and sweet person. saKKP me gaila... let's ray or her soul...

Zerah Absin at 10:35pm June 26

I miss her too. KKP Cluster 1 batch 2003-04 will never be complete without Tetet -one of the brave and witty volunteers whose sense of humor can make you burst with laughter. =)

We had a "kumustahan" conversation last saturday. She shared about her recent immersion and how it inspired her to help the oppressed seek for justice thru XUCLA (XU Center of Legal Assistance). May her spirit of service carry on...

Norhalisa Naga Salic at 10:38pm June 26

Tetet, you will be forever missed!

Frances Irene B. Alvarez at 11:17pm June 26

despite the rampant cheating in the college of law,tetet remained honest and true, bahala na daw mabagsak basta limpyo daw ang konsensya..i salute you yot..mwah

Jeje Gallardo at 2:52pm June 27

mingaw nko ni tetet

Hannie Disoma at 6:36pm June 27

i will indeed miss you tet.. sayang ato mga plans but don't worry, everything in under control. love you tet.

Robbie James Yparraguirre at 9:27pm June 27

When the heart weeps for what it has lost,

the soul laughs for what it has found. while we weep for losing you tet, we know that youare smiling down upon us and happy of what you have found in the afterlife. After all, as Mother Teresa said, "Death is nothing else but going home to God, the bond of love will be unbroken for all eternity."

Safe ... Read Morejourney tet, we will miss you. we love you.

thank you for the laughs, the smiles, the tears. Thanks for everything. Having you around made life better, sweeter, and more meaningful. Thanks, thanks, thanks, and a million thanks. :)

Karen Grace M. Metante at 2:29pm June 28

tet, thank you for the the short period of time i was blessed to have you as my friend...i will miss you!

Omaimah Sugar Gandamra at 5:07pm June 28

"A loved one that has finished their life on earth is not dead, there life has just began. They are still with us in spirt. That you must believe." --Jennifer Janiszewski

tet, thank you. i will miss you.

Chester Cosin at 4:34pm June 29

tet, mingawon ko sa atong bigby's dates. mingawon ko sa imo tet.

Guzycora Rose Mae Bandola at 5:41pm June 29

will miss you tet!

Kristian Oliver Cebrian at 10:34pm June 29

you will forever be missed tetet! you are an important piece of the puzzle in our law school life. the piece of you can never be replaced! REST IN PEACE TET!

Geodelyn D. German at 9:35am June 30

tet, i miz u very much...ROKOLI will not be complete without you...we love you vry vry much...

Marvz Bicbic at 10:50pm June 26

i am one with you in this sudden reality before us. this week, tetet was everywhere in the campus, i even had the chance to kid her about not using an umbrella while walking under the drizzle.

the KKP years have passed from me yet I know that face reminded me so much of the best years of my fpo stint in the nstp.. The circumstances are still ... Read Moreunclear to me. Yet the fact remains that she will no longer be going around campus, always wearing that face--just so determined, focused to finish what she has set herself to do.. i know she smiled alot, she was easy to be with, never a dull moment with her.. but underneath that sunny disposition is a deeper being.. and tetet showed that her happy exterior runs from her sincere efforts to live a life with meaning and extravagantly shared with others: whether family, friends or mere acquaintances..

yes, she may be gone.. but we remember her well and thank God that in His perfect time and will, we were blessed by Him thru her life..

“My Internship with XUCLA partner NGO Kaisahan”

see other internship pics here

This summer 2009 is a great summer for me. So far, the most fulfilling summer in my life. It was a good choice to join XUCLA. I was invited by Scintillian brothers for they are already XUCLA volunteers. I was a bit hesitant to join since we are in law school already and it would entail responsibilities. But then in the spirit of volunteerism I set aside those hesitations and continued to join and go through the process of becoming a XUCLA volunteer.

I was assigned to the Non-government organization KAISAHAN. With its full name KAISAHAN tungo sa Kaunlaran ng Kanayunan at Repormang Pansakahan. An NGO concerned with the issues and concerns of farmers particularly in the high lands and mainly affected by CARP (Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program). In my internship with KAISAHAN i was under ASDP (Area Specific Development Program). This division is the heart of KAISAHAN. It has a wide scope and a bigger responsibility and endures all the tasks the KAISAHAN had visioned itself when it started out.

The ASDP does all the community organizing of People’s Organizations. Going to barangays and communicating and integrating with the PO’s. Here in Northern Mindanao, the KAISAHAN ASDP office is in Alubijid for it is accesible to its area which is some barangays in El Salvador and Alubijid.

I am glad that I am assigned to KAISAHAN. Last sembreak, I also had my XUCLA exposure facilitated by KAISAHAN in one of its CARP cases in El Salvador where farmers were turned to scavengers because of a cancelation of their CLOA. It was a sad case. Even in their situation of scavenging, the worst thing still happened, they were told they cannot anymore sell the things they scavenged to the trucks that comes in in dump site. The (buying) trucks now are prohibited to enter the dump site and negotiate with the farmer-turned-scavengers. This particular story really strucks me up to now, even it was only my exposure to them that i had the oppurtunity to meet them and hear their stories. Because their problem up to now exist. I do pervently hope their situation would at least improve in terms of livelihood and a positive outcome of their CLOA case.

When I was assigned to KAISAHAN, i was glad because i knew already their personnels and the tasks that is expected of me—community organizing. But this time, i was hands on and not merely an expectator or observer as i was when i had my exposure.

We’ve gone to hinterland barangays in El Salvador and Alubjid to interview would be partners of KAISAHAN for its new area of 8 barangays. It has been almost 4 years since KAISAHAN started out in its area here in Northern Mindanao and it had 17 PO partners in 10 barangays.

I am a volunteer of various organizations when i was still in College. And i can say this summer experience with KAISAHAN and XUCLA is another worth keeping experience. New lessons learned and pondered on. Especially the NGO work which i can say is a heart-felt service for the marginalized sector.

This summer internship i can say had done its purpose of making me realize that aside from the mainstream lawyering which we all have thought one way or another of entering law school, there is one called alternative lawyering. I had heard of this only when we attended the Basic Orientation Seminar of XUCLA. I think it really was better to go through the internship process to really understand the concept of alternative lawyering rather than just a one seminar encounter with such.

The lessons ive learned in this summer internship is to be aware of the things that is happening around me especially those of that needed help most. To open my eyes to the realities outside the law classrooms. It was a good summerbreak and a very fulflling one too.

I would like to say thank you to my KAISAHAN homies(hehe!)—to Elgen,Ate Che,Ate Lang2x and Kuya Rey. Salamat sa inyo! My summer internship was indeed fun and educational. May our paths cross once again soon.

Let me end this reflection by saying a line from Mother Teresa of Calcutta: ” To show great love for God and our neighbor we need not do great things. It is how much love we put in the doing that makes our offering something beautiful for God.”