Saturday, August 01, 2009

R.I.P. Corazon Cojuangco Aquino

i was born on 1985.Where there was unrest ang great clamor for democracy im my beloved country,the philippines..The philippines became known for its people power.Peaceful and moving.It was those times that i had my first memories as a child..My 1st president then was the wife of the late ninoy aquino,corazon "cory" aquino.The democratic icon for the philippines and the world.She had served us well being a president..Late last year,madam cory aquino was diagnosed of colon cancer stage 4.Since then this nation pervently prayed for her recovery.But maybe,just maybe,the great God had better plans for her there in heaven.Our hero ninoy and madam cory are now reunited in heaven.We pray for her soul and ask for guidance from God for guidance of our country in the face of upcoming elections next year..May she rest in peace..

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