September. Seems a boring month until you’re in law school. Here in the Philippines, For years of studying law, theres no other way out to prove thy self than to take the bar exams. And then enters the importance of the month of September. I don’t know the real deal of making September to be the exams month for the bar. Maybe after you graduate on march the supreme court may had thought five months to review is enough for a bar candidate. I really cant tell if five months would be enough because I am yet to experience such. But for us law students, it’s a time to show our support to those who went ahead of us of taking the bar exams. It’s a festivity, the bar exams. Especially the 1st and 4th Sundays. Bar operators would come and cheer the bar examinees to lift their spirits.
Throughout the years, each school’s bar operations seem to improve. More so that every law school have one or two fraternities/sororities where a bar examinee may be a member thereof. Bar operations may seem easy. But it aint easy. Ive experience bar operations.
It was September last year 2008 that I had my first bar operations. And for now it remained my only bar operations. I am really hoping to fix things and be able to be a bar operator for the next year’s bar operations.
I don’t know with how would a bar operation mean to the others but for my experience I can say that it was really an eye opener that law studies is serious business. You should read more to prepare for the bar.
Basically a bar operation function as a self-esteem booster for the bar examinees. I am a proud and bonafide scintillian and in our fraternity we do have a strong bar operations. We assist our brothers in every single way that we as bar operators can. Basically our bar examinee brothers would have to just relax and focus on their reviews and we will carry out all the errands they would want us to do. That’s it.
This has been a tradition and I can say this is one thing that I am proud of, of being a scintillian. And I know in the future when it would be my turn to take the bar exams I would be taken care off by my brothers.The support will be there, I just know. For scintillians never fail the bar examinee brothers.
I had qualms of writing about this because I am not there right now in any of the four sundays of September where the 2009 bar exams are commencing.
But my prayers and fervent hope for my brothers to pass the bar exams are here with me. It is a personal note to my self to make sure I can be of service to my brothers who will take the next year’s bar exams.
Brothers our prayers are always with you from the time you graduated from law school that you may successfully cross the barrier that is the bar exams and become lawyers. GOD BLESS 2009 bar examinee brods! Hail Scintilla Legis!
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