Monday, February 23, 2009

congratulations Ms. Gvishiane A. Mendez,R.N. !!!

whew! congratulations to my best emeny/best friend of a girl friend! your dreams are now little by little coming true. kudos!

you really are so blessed by God!
i love you! and again,Congratulations!!

from your bbpao(naks!hehehe!)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

15 percents and busy-nesses

15 percents and busy-nesses.

tonight im just so glad our transpo proffesor was pretty considerate of our situation/standing in our transportation law class. actually our grades was really quite low in the midterms, so she decided in favor of our plea to have a removal exam. she called it a " quiz" carrying a big 15% of the supposed to be 35% of the midterm grade.our midterm exam results would just be 20 %. (at least di bah,na pami pag-asa!hehe).
im quite burned-out with law school(burned out daw o?!lol).it has always been this way since i entered law school.haha.really im just thankful to still be in school. the thirst for knowledge of the laws of the land are a bit quenched every semester. plus i enjoy its perks.i get to read,read and read! and ponder and ponder and ponder.the secret here is to at least relate what you read to real life. case references are meant to see the application of these laws.(nax!)
on with the "quiz" slated next week thursday.the coverage would be announced tommorow.
and another good news--all these digesting of cases are officially announced only until this week!yehey! it means we would have ample time to study for the finals!(nax napud!lol)

**thanks for the read!just browse through my blog if you want.hehe!

**things that i think would keep me busy for the next few days:
1.of course this saturday--BALENTAYMS(a.k.a. hearts day).haha.
hope id spend this with my pretty mao.
2.XUCLA publication. day of a brod.(layout their banner.nax!haha)
4.transpo. "quiz"
N.B.-> i deleberately put those "" for i know its not just a quiz but a life-saver!wee!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

torts and damages digested cases (1st & 2nd week of february)



**Under Damages in the Outline


FACTS: A lot owned by spouses Protasio in Davao City was in the middle of lots owned by petitioner. When they had the lot surveyed, they discovered that portions of their lot were fenced by petitioner and a portion is used for a boy’s quarter. The encroachment by petitioner is without consent of the spouses. The petitioner contended it was a builder in good faith asserting the right of way. Trial court & CA decided for the spouses, awarded actual damages in the form of back rentals.

ISSUE: Was the award of actual damages proper?

HELD: Judgement is hereby MODIFIED in the sense that the awards of back rentals, moral damages and attorney's fees are hereby DELETED. In all other respects, the assailed decision is AFFIRMED.

RATIO: A party is entitled to an adequate compensation for such pecuniary loss actually suffered by him as he has duly proved. Such damages, to be recoverable, must not only be capable of proof, but must actually be proved with a reasonable degree of certainty. These damages cannot be presumed, and the courts in making such award of damages must point out specific facts which could afford a basis for measuring whatever compensatory or actual damages are borne.


FACTS: Olan, a PLDT employee, allege a contract between him and Rosales for securing a contract with PLDT for the latter to manufacture PLDT uniforms existed. And that he has a 1.75 % commission. Olan filed a case for the collection of said commission. Rosales answered that such contract never existed and Olan did not extend help in securing a contract for manufacture of PLDT uniform with PLDT. Trial Court dismissed Olan’s case and awarded attorney’s fees to Rosales.CA affirmed.

ISSUE: Was the award proper?

HELD: CA decision affirmed. Award of attorney’s fees deleted.

RATIO: The award must be properly explained in the text of the decision itself and cannot just so suddenly appear in the dispositive portion of the judgment of the court. Article 2208 of the Civil Code requires that the award of attorney's fees must have factual and legal justification and not simply left for the court to speculate or conjecture about.

**Under Principle of Damnum Absque Injuria


FACTS:The spouses Gaspar Prila and Maria Beldad, owned a parcel of land at Cagmanaba, Ocampo, Camarines Sur. In 1955, Vivencia Prila,daughter of the spouses sold her 4/6 portion with an area of 11.2477 hectares to the petitioner Ernesto Dichoso who had been, ever since, in actual physical possession thereof,. Asuncion Pacamara who inherited 1/6 part of the land from Gaspar Prila, sold to the wife of private respondent Teodolfo Ramos her 1/6 share. Ramos’ part of the land was claimed by 1962, Ramos, in the company of a constabulary soldier and two policemen, allegedly seized the produce of the land of Dichoso.In retaliation,Dichoso also brought along with him in 1963, a constabulary soldier and appropriated the produce of Ramos.The lower court and CA decided in favor of Ramos. requiring the petitioner to deliver forty (40) cavans annually to private respondent despite its finding that only one-third (1/3) of the produce "went to" the plaintiff (ramos), two-thirds (2/3) being for his tenant.

ISSUE: Can Dichoso be made to deliver 40 cavans annually despite only 1/3 of produce will go to Ramos and 2/3 for his tenant?

HELD: award of actual damages is hereby REDUCED in proportion to the area that may be awarded to Ramos and to his one-third (1/3) participation in the harvests, from 1964 up to the time the land appurtenant thereto is returned to the respondent.

RATIO: Actual or compensatory damages cannot be presumed, but must be duly proved, and proved with reasonable degree of certainty. A court cannot rely on speculation, conjecture or guesswork as to the fact and amount of damages, but must depend upon competent proof that they have suffered and on evidence of the actual amount thereof.


FACTS: Kalaw is the General Manager and Board Chairman of NACOCO(National Coconut Corporation). In 1947, NACOCO contracted to sell coconut product with several buyers. That year, there were four typhoons that hit Phil. Coconut trees throughout the country suffered extensive damage. Copra production decreased. When it became clear that the contracts would be unprofitable Kalaw submitted them to the board for approval. Which was approved by the Board. As was to be expected, NACOCO but partially performed the contracts.the buyers filed a case for the full performance of the Contract. settlements were paid. NACOCO seeks to recover from Kalaw the said paid settlements. For bad faith and/or breach trust for having approved the contracts.According to Kalaw he did so acted for the best interest of the Corp.Trial Court decided for Kalaw.

ISSUE: Is Kalaw liable?

HELD: judgment affirmed.

RATIO:Kalaw is not liable. the trial court correctly observed, this is a case of damnum absque injuria. Conjunction of damage and wrong is here absent. There cannot be an actionable wrong if either one or the other is wanting. Kalaw all along thought that he had authority to enter into the contracts; that he did so in the best interests of the corporation.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

my deviantart website! :p

it has always been a plan of mine to write an online blog.
and i found out that even though i am not that good at this
thing, still it is called blogging.

see, it doesnt have to contain superflous words or wisdom.
its that thing called blog a.k.a. diary a.k.a. a treasure-trove
of personal adventures and wisdom.

i didnt really noticed it but this had helped me to really
be serious and just be religious in putting up whats-new
with my life.

it may not be really detailed yet still when you read it
you get the jest of what it is all about.

just bear with me with this, this blog and all in it.
im just a person with a bit of anything and everything.

you see, i do this blog, and im also trying out lawschool
and also trying out photoshop. yep, adobe

i really havent advertise this since, but yo people
check out my art(if they can be called at:

(hmm, i did post some

of my works here,right below, and also my banner here in
my blog)

right now, though im trying to be still active online,
still up and busy with law school.hahaha.(study na wui!hehe)