Sunday, February 08, 2009

my deviantart website! :p

it has always been a plan of mine to write an online blog.
and i found out that even though i am not that good at this
thing, still it is called blogging.

see, it doesnt have to contain superflous words or wisdom.
its that thing called blog a.k.a. diary a.k.a. a treasure-trove
of personal adventures and wisdom.

i didnt really noticed it but this had helped me to really
be serious and just be religious in putting up whats-new
with my life.

it may not be really detailed yet still when you read it
you get the jest of what it is all about.

just bear with me with this, this blog and all in it.
im just a person with a bit of anything and everything.

you see, i do this blog, and im also trying out lawschool
and also trying out photoshop. yep, adobe

i really havent advertise this since, but yo people
check out my art(if they can be called at:

(hmm, i did post some

of my works here,right below, and also my banner here in
my blog)

right now, though im trying to be still active online,
still up and busy with law school.hahaha.(study na wui!hehe)

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