Tuesday, February 17, 2009

15 percents and busy-nesses

15 percents and busy-nesses.

tonight im just so glad our transpo proffesor was pretty considerate of our situation/standing in our transportation law class. actually our grades was really quite low in the midterms, so she decided in favor of our plea to have a removal exam. she called it a " quiz" carrying a big 15% of the supposed to be 35% of the midterm grade.our midterm exam results would just be 20 %. (at least di bah,na pami pag-asa!hehe).
im quite burned-out with law school(burned out daw o?!lol).it has always been this way since i entered law school.haha.really im just thankful to still be in school. the thirst for knowledge of the laws of the land are a bit quenched every semester. plus i enjoy its perks.i get to read,read and read! and ponder and ponder and ponder.the secret here is to at least relate what you read to real life. case references are meant to see the application of these laws.(nax!)
on with the "quiz" slated next week thursday.the coverage would be announced tommorow.
and another good news--all these digesting of cases are officially announced only until this week!yehey! it means we would have ample time to study for the finals!(nax napud!lol)

**thanks for the read!just browse through my blog if you want.hehe!

**things that i think would keep me busy for the next few days:
1.of course this saturday--BALENTAYMS(a.k.a. hearts day).haha.
hope id spend this with my pretty mao.
2.XUCLA publication.
3.wedding day of a brod.(layout their banner.nax!haha)
4.transpo. "quiz"
N.B.-> i deleberately put those "" for i know its not just a quiz but a life-saver!wee!


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